Counseling families with knowledge, compassion & honesty.


As a Registered Investment Advisor firm, we are required to always act as your fiduciary, which guides us to serve your best interest.

Fee Based

Our compensation is determined by a transparent fee structure, which is disclosed from start.

Cost Effective

We only incorporate the lowest cost investments which meet our stringent management and performance quidelines. This gives us an immediate advantage over traditional brokers.


Tactical Allocation coupled with passive and active management

Passive vs Active

We use active management to select deep value investments which present themselves early in market cycles. Many core positions are passive investments, which capture the movements of a particular segment of the market and cost very little to hold.

Risk and Returns

Our mandate is not to beat the market, but rather to achieve a predetermined average rate of return necessary to accomplish your stated goals over the course of entire market cycles. We aim to achieve these average returns with the least amount of risk necessary.

Risk Management

We employ multiple levels of risk management techniques to safeguard your investments. We stay diversified among size, sector and geography with stock and bond investments. Depending on the phase of a market cycle, we may be fully hedged or partially hedged to reduce or eliminate the destructive nature of bear markets. Stay the course is not our answer to declines associated with recessions.


Getting Started

We know it can be overwhelming to find the right financial advisor. Our clear process steps you through a well-planned series of meetings designed to answer your questions, address your concerns, and educate you about your opinions.

Building Trust

Our Relationship unfolds in a comfortable environment at a relaxed pace, which affords ample time to discuss and understand your financial concerns and desires.

Maintaining Momentum

After implementation, our commitment to your success continues through regular scheduled review meetings, clear communications, client events and daily portfolio monitoring.